Orange County Living Wage closed its doors on December 31, 2024.
Orange County Living Wage, a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization that certified, recognized and promoted Orange County businesses that pay a living wage and also assisted workers seeking living wage jobs, closed its doors on December 31, 2024.
You can read our Press Release here.
We greatly appreciate the commitment to economic justice made by all of our supporters – certified employers, workers, town and county government, the public – that have supported us over this almost ten-year journey. We hope that you continue to support fair wages by patronizing the businesses in our certified employer directory. To that end, this website will remain open for the near future so that you can find certified businesses.
Support Our Living Wage Certified Employers
Holman Family Dental Care
Chapel Hill, NC
“Having good people means paying people well, good benefits, treating them well. When you’re trying to recruit good employees and patients, you have to communicate your value system around that.”
– Dr. Shaina Holman
Latino Community Credit Union
“A living wage is essential for fostering a healthy and thriving workforce. In that way, we are able to provide a good service to our members and to give back to the community.”
– HR Generalist Leticia Lauz
The Lupine School
Chapel Hill, NC
“A living wage is important because all employees make a business possible and should be compensated well for their hard work. It’s a priority for me personally because I truly believe that we don’t value early childhood education in our culture the way we should, and highly trained excellent teachers are imperative for this time of rapid brain growth in children. It’s an incredibly important job to educate our youngest citizens!”
– Director Amy Magrinat
St. Thomas More Catholic Parish
Chapel Hill, NC
“The fact that we took on the initiative to be certified I think says something given our presence in and impact on the community. … For us as faith leaders, we speak often about that need to look out for those who are most in need in our midst. … Part of this has to be to make sure we are looking out for those who are entrusted in our care.”
– Rev. Scott E. McCue
Carrboro Plumbing
Carrboro, NC
“Our business doesn’t exist without wonderful customers and our hard-working employees. We value our employees’ contributions to the business and the community – plumbers protect the health of our nation! Our employees deserve a living wage so they can support themselves and their families. Living wages support the community as a whole in many ways, one of which is that the employees have more funds to support other local, living wage businesses! It’s a win, win!”
– Emily Kreutzer
Carrboro Family Pharmacy
Carrboro, NC
“While we qualify for this certification, it does not mean we will become satisfied in our prosperity. Our long-term goal is to continue to grow our capabilities in becoming the best employer and health care provider in Orange County. A healthy community is one where we can all prosper together.”
– Keiko Bury, PharmD
Belltree Cocktail Club
Carrboro, NC
“Living wages mean happy, invested workers, and an amazing work environment. When no one is mad about what they make, there is room for so much more growth and maintenance. Before we raised everyone to [the 2022 living wage of] $15.85 plus tips, my employees still averaged a living wage or above. But now, they make a ‘thriving wage,’ and as a result, so do I, as a partner in the Belltree Cocktail Club. The next you come in to enjoy a Negroni or a glass of wine, I ask that you continue to tip my exceptional team. They deserve it.”
– Owner Nicholas Stroud
Humble Umbel Farm
Hurdle Mills, NC
“I have to give credit to the customers. People are willing to pay what we charge in order to get ourselves to that living wage. … Customers really care about small businesses and local food. And they are willing to put their money where their mouth is.”
– Co-Owner Anna Alexandre
Big Spoon Roasters
Hillsborough, NC
“The concept of a living wage means that participating employers are thinking about the health and happiness of their employees beyond the context of what a state or government may require. This is how we need all businesses to operate if we want to have a healthy and equitable society. We support the living wage model because it is based on the real-life needs of families.”
– Co-Founder Mark Overbay
Auto Logic
Carrboro, NC
“Auto Logic opened in 1986, and our very first employee had his health insurance covered as well as paid sick leave and vacation. We have continued to pay a living wage, cover health insurance at 100%, and provide paid sick, vacation, and personnel leave. We are dedicated to caring for our employees and their families, which is not only the right thing to do, but makes working together in a stable, committed, and experienced workforce possible. Being a Living Wage Employer allows us to provide the very best service to our customers and our community as a whole.”
– Marianne Gemming, one of the owners, is pictured at center with parts manager Wendy Christopher and apprentice Alison Martinez