OCLW Makes Two July Appearances in The Local Reporter
Orange County Living Wage recently appeared in The Local Reporter on two occasions.
On July 1, ‘Pioneering the Living Wage in Orange County: Vimala’s Has Championed Restaurant Workers Since 1994’ was published.
An excerpt: “[Vimala] Rajendran pays her restaurant employees $20 to $25 per hour, which is on the high end of service industry salaries. However, Vimala is quick to point that everything is relative.
‘I still think it’s not enough money,’ Rajendran said. ‘That’s the point I want to make. What we call a livable wage is only possible because we also take tips.’
… For the past seven years, a local nonprofit — Orange County Living Wage (OCLW) — has been certifying and promoting employers in the county who compensate their full and part-time employees with a living wage of at least $15.85 an hour ($14.35 with employer-provided healthcare), according to the nonprofit’s website. Orange County Living Wage has certified more than 300 local employers since its inception in 2015, including Vimala’s Curryblossom Café.”
On July 7, ‘Local Nonprofit Addresses Income Inequality by Supporting Workers’ Rights’ was published.
An excerpt: “‘Orange County Living Wage was an opportunity that offered Crystal Clear Cleaning a chance to be seen in a very professional way, as well as balancing my values and my core beliefs about work and humanity and valuing everybody’s contribution,’ said Jane Meadows, the proprietor of Crystal Clear Cleaning. ‘I wanted to be part of this organization because they elevated my business to a respectful place and gave me a chance to honor the hard-working people that are working with Crystal Cleaning.'”